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Basic Newswriting

During my basic news writing class, I wrote two main stories and several smaller articles.


Feature Writing

In the fall of 2018, I took a feature writing class and some were printed in "The Register" in Brookings.


In my photography class, I learned how to use a DLSR camera settings to create a properly exposed picture. After the class, I purchased my own camera so I can continue to produce photos.

Sales, Promotion and Marketing

In this class, our primary assignment was a project with a partner. Together we had to find a business and suggest a new way to promote their company. Sam and I chose CHS and we chose to present them including Dakota Fest in their marketing plan. Below is a pdf of our final presentation and findings.

Advertising Principles

Throughout the semester, we learned about different ways of promoting a business. By the end of the semester, we had to create such types of advertising for business in the area. Below is a pdf of our final presentation.

Methods of Agriculture Education

Through this class, I got to spend time in a high school agriculture education classroom. Below are some of the curriculums that I developed and presented.

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